What is "BDM"?

     “BDM” or “Bone structure, Digestive system and Mental Health” is the topic that I would approach. The main reason for doing so is likely because it is related to myself as a student athlete. I play basketball and enjoy doing various workout to strengthen myself and have seen my friends and I confront with a few problems which related to our bones, digestive system and mental health. Other than that, I also know some adults which have problems regarding their mobility and the ability to eat various food. 

     At the same time, I have always been interested about the studies of human anatomy and the importance for a person to have knowledge about it. One of the major factor for me being interested in it is because of my father which is an engineer but encourage himself on learning about the human body as he stated that our boy is our own responsibilities.

      Therefore, I am keen and want to know on how does these factors which are our own bone, digestive system and mental health affect myself and others and our body’s condition as we aged and hope that many individuals benefit from my personal project and look after themselves from facing unintended consequences.


       Improve balance and coordination

       Helps performance, posture, promotes efficient movement, prevents incorrect body alignment, maintains appropriate muscle length and balance and also decreases injury risk

       support bone growth, hormonal changes and organ and tissue development, including the brain

       Aware of the progress of one’s life and attachment

       Have a sense of achievement and purposes

